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autoflower vs photoperiod

The Difference Between Photoperiod and Ruderalis Cannabis

Whilst both photoperiod and ruderalis (also known as "autoflowering" genetics will provide a grower with high-quality bud, there are some major differences in the way each type of plant grows. When it comes to buying cannabis seeds, this is perhaps...

thc vs cbd

THC and CBD: What’s the Difference?

Since November 2018 medicinal cannabis has been legal in the UK. This change in law seems to have also acted as the catalyst for an explosion in the popularity of CBD shops, which have increasingly been popping up across British...

best uk strains

Top Five Cannabis Strains in the UK

There are currently a multitude of cannabis strains available in the UK, each with its own distinct characteristics, flavour and effects. As a UK based cannabis seed supplier we have dispatched thousands of orders all over the UK. Along with...

bud rot on cannabis bud

Identifying and Removing Bud Rot

Bud rot is a dreaded sight for any grower. The first symptom is usually the sugar leaves turning yellow or starting to curl and twist. Discolouration can occur overnight and usually shows near the base of leaves. Mold and bud rot on...

anatomy of a cannabis plant

Anatomy of a cannabis plant

Developing an understanding of cannabis plant anatomy has two key benefits for growers. First, it is of course much easier to maintain plant health, maximise produce and sustain high quality when armed with the knowledge of the function of each component...

anatomy of a cannabis seed

Anatomy of a cannabis seed

In a previous blog post we explained how to distinguish superior cannabis seeds from their poorer quality counterparts. Selecting quality, viable seeds is the first crucial step for a cultivator growing healthy plants that produce a high yield. Very few of...

broad mites on cannabis plant

Treatment for Broad Mites on Cannabis Plants

Broad mites are common cannabis attackers. They thrive on juice and nutrients from the crop while inflicting damage to plants in the process. Like scale insects, broad mites enjoy stems and leaf sides and can quickly spread to other plants. They...

boron deficiency

How to Fix Boron Deficiency in Cannabis Plants

Modern cannabis nutrients often perform well. Though if things go wrong and plants look sick, boron deficiency may be the culprit to blame. Boron is a plant-essential nutrient though safe and unsafe levels of it in crops do exist. Cannabis plants,...

how to tell if a cannabis seed is high quality

How to tell if a cannabis seed is high quality

Identification of high-quality cannabis seeds is the crucial first step in ensuring the collector is preserving worth-while genetics. High quality cannabis seeds have superior genetics, resulting in better harvests, top grade marijuana, and overall healthier plants. There are several ways...

barnacle scales on cannabis plant

Barnacle Scales and Cannabis Plants

Barnacles on cannabis plants are often scale insects that are thriving on the plants for juice and nutrients. These little pesky creatures enjoy many crop types though are known for migrating to cannabis plants as if to them it were...